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Herbs and Condiment

Aromatic Seasoned Salt


2 cups coarse sea salt

4 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 - 3 sprigs of herbs such as oregano, rosemary, thyme, sage

2 chive stalks, cut into small snips

a sprig of lavender (optional)


Rosalie Hart likes to add a generous pinch of seasoned salt to Aunt Charlotte’s bread recipe and just about everything else she prepares. Seasoned salt is a snap to make at home and enhances the savoriness of any dish. This version, although I have altered it just a bit, was given to me by my friend, Donna. Along with other friends, we have salt making get togethers, each contributing fresh herbs from our gardens. There is always a bottle of cold Chardonnay on hand while we work. I whip up large batches during the holidays and give it as gifts to my friends and family in Italian ceramic salt cellars.

basket of herbs, garlic, pepper grinder, and shears

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